Bronya Zaychik is a 14 year old Russian Valkyrie and also a student of St. Freya High School like Kiana Kaslana and Raiden Mei. Bronya Zaychick excels in combat art Remodeled Bunny 19C. Bronya's Valkyrie Chariot form excels at constant ranged DPS. Valkyrie Chariot also possesses powerful support and control abilities coupled with low cost ultimate skill with long duration. You don't need to collect fragments to unlock Bronya's Crimson Impulse, you can unlock her for free after finishing some missions in the beginning chapter. Valkyrie Chariot is a Psychic type variation of Bronya Zaychick, it is strong against Mecha types and weak against Creature types.
Skills Guide
Leader Skill: Riot Armor
Whenever Valkyrie Chariot Bronya is designated as squad leader, the whole team receives the Riot Armor buff which reduces ranged physical damage taken by 15%.
- Riot Armor: At max level, decreases the whole team's ranged physical damage taken by 28%.
Passive SkillValkyrie Chariot Bronya's passive skill makes her receive boost automatically from Agravity Wall and Particle Charge.
- Agravity Wall: At max level, Agravity Charge increases physical damage done to stunned and paralyzed enemies by 100%.
- Particle Charge: At max level, Particle Charge increases Critical Damage of cannon-type weapons' basic and charge attacks by 100%.
Evasion Skills: Dimension ShiftValkyrie Chariot Bronya's evasion skill makes her teleport quickly to evade enemy attacks. Every successfully executed Ultimate Evasion, Time Fracture triggers and all enemies will be slowed down for 3 seconds. Time Fracture has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
- Time Lock: At max level, Time Lock increases charging speed by 100% during Time Fracture.
- Quantum Lock: At max level, increases physical damage of cannonballs and missiles by 25% during Time Fracture and the 1 seconds after it.
- Particle Rebuild: At max level, decreases cooldown of Time Fracture by 8.0 seconds.
Basic Attack: Particle CannonValkyrie Chariot Bronya's basic attack is a charged attack using a cannon. The more the combo hits, the higher the damage dealt. It also comes with the skill Arm Switch which changes the way of charging based on the weapon equipped.
- Reaction: At max level, blocks attack once and interrupts weak enemies during charging. has a 6.0 seconds cooldown and clocks 80% of incoming damage.
- Atomic Radiate: At max level, inflicts an AoE igniting effect when attacking without charging, dealing 33 fire damage every 0.5 second to ignited enemies for 10 seconds.
- Chain Reaction: At max level, increases damage of basic and charged attacks done to ignited enemies by 25%.
Ultimate: Void ExplosionValkyrie Chariot Bronya's ultimate summons a Black Hole that draws in surrounding enemies. The Black Hole lasts for 10 seconds, during which time the caster is invincible. The secondary effect is the Gravitational Collapse which reduces the physical Attack of affected enemies by 50%. Void Explosion consumes 50 points of SP when used.
- Particle Beam: At max level, bleeds enemies drawn by Void Explosion, dealing 449 physical damage every 05. second.
- Particle Fusion: An explosion occurs at the end of Void Explosion. At max level, has a 100% of stunning enemies for 6.0 seconds.
- Gravity Tearing: At max level, increases ranged physical damage done by 30% to enemies drawn by Void Explosion.
Special Attack: Switch Skill - Gravity ShatterValkyrie Chariot Bronya's combo skill smashes the ground upon entering the battle. Smash Ground deals physical damage equal to 150% of Attack.
- QTE - High Gravity: At max level, enters battle and triggers QTE when enemy is stunned, dealing 100% of Attack + 4,158.0 physial damage. Then, lifts enemy into the air and casts Time Lock effects on them for 3 seconds.
- Air Smash: At max level, deals 300% of Attack as additional physical damage to enemies knocked airborne.
Weapons Guide
The following values of weapon physical damage, elemental damage, percentage and time values are the maximum values attainable when the respective weapons are upgraded to their maximum star and level.
Early GameMarkov Type A comes highly recommended at early game. This weapon comes with the skills Cannon which increases charged attack firepower and Redlotus Breath which gives ignites the enemies.
- Markov Type A: A heavy Honkai energy weapon produced by Mikoyan Design Bureau. It was once standard Soviet weapon, but now comes with Honkai energy crystal shard. Its technology system is not of Schicsial nor of Anti-Entropy. This weapon comes with the skills Cannon and Redlotus Breath. Cannon makes the first charging stage do a single shot, the seconds stage releases a double shot and the third stage releases a triple shots with super power. Redlotus Breath gives a 60% chance of igniting the target, dealing 150 damage every 0.5 second for 4.10 seconds.
Late GameQuantum Destroyer Type-II or Core Evoker Delta, either one of these two weapons comes highly recommended for late game. Quantum Destroyer Type-II a strong weapon that gives ice damage and draws in the enemies with blackhole. Core Evoker Delta gives lightning damage and bonus damage to paralyzed enemies, which if coupled with Valkyrie Chariot's passive skill Agravity Wall, becomes a very devastating combination. I personally recommend Core Evoker Delta.
- Quantum Destroyer Type-II: With the data obtained from experiments on Seele, the Anti-Entropy has achieved huge breakthroughs in the research of quantum technology, and in turn used what they learned to develop this weapon. This weapon comes with the skills Quantum Laser and Frozen Dimension. Quantum Laser shoots laser to deal damage over time to targets in a straight line. Continuous attacks cause overheating. The closer a target is, the highers damage it'll receive. Maximum damage is reached when the distance is shorter than 3 meters. Quantum Laser also increases physical damage done to enemies slowed by Time Slow by 35%. Frozen Dimension creates a blackhole to draw enemies in and then teleports backwards. It then, creates a slowdown field that lasts for 6 seconds, decreasing Movement Speed of enemies inside it by 60% and dealing 188 ice damage every 0.6 seconds. Casting Frozen Dimension requires 20 SP and it has a 20 seconds cooldown.
- Core Evoker Delta: A super-EM cohesion cannon developed by the ME Corp Headquarters via the test data results from Project-MEI. It compresses Honkai energy particles through the binds of an EM field, and when the compression limit is reached, power is released in the form of energy spheres. This weapon comes the skills EM Laser and EM Overload. EM Laser shoots laser to deal damage over time to targets in a straight line. Continuous attacks cause overheating. The closer a target is, the higher damage it'll receive. Maximum damage is reached when the distance is shorter than 3 meters. EM Laser also increases damage done to paralyzed enemies by 16%. EM Overload shoots an energy ball that moves forward slowly, dealing 640 lightning damage to enemies in its path multiple times and stunning then for 3.60 seconds. Casting EM Overload consumes 20 points of SP and has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
Stigmata Guide
The following Stigmata set is recommended for early game. The set grants one bonus skill, the Shield Lockon 2 Sets. Shield Lockon 2 Sets increases damage by 10% when enemy's Elite Shield isn't broken. It's not a complete 3 set because Nikola Tesla (B)'s Stun Lockon skill is better than Sakamoto Ryoma's Debuff Resistance 3 Sets.
- Sakamoto Ryoma (T): A powerful attack-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Eight Laws set. A four star, level 35 Sakamoto Ryoma (T) comes with the skill Charge Enhance which increases physical damage of charged attacks by 18%.
- Sakamoto Ryoma (M): A powerful defense-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Eight Laws set. A four star, level 35 Sakamoto Tyoma (M) comes with the skill Switch Skill Enhance which increases physical damage of switch attacks including QTE by 41%.
- Nikola Tesla (B): A powerful hybrid-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Sine Twin Tails set. A four star, level 35 Nikola Tesla (B) comes with the skill Stun Lockon which increases damage done to stunned enemies by 51%.
Late GameThe following Stigmata set is recommended for late game. The set grants two bonus skills, the Planck Constant 2 Sets and the Quantum Entanglement 3 Sets. The Planck Constant 2 Sets increases ranged damage by 15% when equipped on Bronya. Also, when attacked and damage taken is less than 15 times the wielder's level, the wielder takes damage but doesn't get interrupted. Quantum Entanglement 3 Sets recovers 5% HP upon hitting an enemy. It has a 5.0 seconds cooldown and also increases SP gaining speed by 30% when equipped on Bronya.
- Planck (T): An ultimate attack-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Maidess of Quanta set. A five star, level 50 Planck (T) comes with the skill Quantum Superpose which increases the wielder's damage by 6.2% for every 10.0% of HP missing. The lower the current HP, the higher the damage.
- Planck (M): An ultimate defense-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Maidess of Quanta Set. A five star, level 50 Planck (M) comes with the skill Quantum Collapse which increases physical damage taken by 72%. Increases physical damage of the next basic attack, including combo and charged attacks by 51%.
- Planck (B): An ultimate hybrid-type Stigma. Can be assembled to form the Maidess of Quanta set. A five star level 50 Planck (B) comes with the skill Quantum Leap which decreases Movement Speed by 41% and increases Attack Speed by 31%.